What to expect

Visiting a new church for the first time can be intimidating. Let us help alleviate some of the pressure by giving you a few things you can expect at the Grace Place…

Pre-service Fellowship
at 10:30 am

Our goal is to provide a welcoming atmosphere for you and your family. To help facilitate this, we offer complimentary coffee and pastries each Sunday morning from 10:30 until service time to give everyone a few minutes to relax and fellowship before service. Sunday mornings can be rushed and very busy, especially if you have kids to get ready. This time of fellowship allows everyone an opportunity to slow down, take a breath, and relax a bit before worship.

In addition to the complimentary HOT coffee, our Youth and Children’s departments have teamed up to offer ICED coffee each Sunday morning for a $3 donation. All proceeds go directly into our Youth and Children’s Outreach Programs.

Blended Music Styles

We value blended music and worship styles. You can expect music and media that glorifies Jesus and uplifts the body of Christ. We utilize a variety of music - from classic hymns to contemporary christian music, and everything else in between. We believe it’s not about the STYLE of music, it’s about the one to whom we sing… “the one seated upon the throne…”
(Rev. 21:5)

Pentecostal Worship
and operation of the Gifts

The Grace Place is a full-gospel, New Testament, Pentecostal Church. We believe that all things must be kept decent and in order, but we are who we are, and we refuse to stand in the way of the Holy Spirit working in our midst as HE sees fit. The Holy Spirit is THE guest of honor every time we gather.

Childcare/Children’s Church

We offer a fantastic Children’s ministry on Sundays and Wednesday Evenings for ages ranging from newborn thru 12th grade. Our Kids Church (ages 3-8) participates in the worship portion of our services then is dismissed to their service. Ages 9-up participate in the full Sunday morning experience but meet together for their class on Wednesday evenings.

All Kids Church/Nursery/Youth workers are fully vetted and have passed
Criminal Background Checks through the Polk County, GA Sheriffs Department.

Come as you are…

One of the most common reasons given for people choosing to stay home from church is “I don’t have anything to wear”. Our focus is connecting you to Jesus, not what clothes you have on. Some feel more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, while others feel more comfortable in a suit and tie. Either way, we all need more of Jesus, and while man looks on the outside, GOD is more interested in the condition of our HEART.