Our Team
Lead Pastor
Rev. Justin and Nikki Grant
Pastor Justin Grant has served at CCOG since February, 2021. Brother Grant initially came to Cedartown in the summer of 2013 and served as youth pastor until 2016 when he received his first pastoral appointment to NewLife Church in Rome. He is an Ordained Bishop in the Church of God (Cleveland, TN), and a graduate of Lee University. In addition to his many years of local church ministry, Pastor Grant is an accomplished musician with years of touring and studio work on his resume. His wife, Nikki, is a Cedartown native, a graduate of Cedartown High, and GNTC (Georgia Northwestern Technical College), as well as a lifelong member of CCOG. He and Nikki have been married since 2013, and have one child, their pride and joy, Nora-Lee.
Email: pastor@cedartowncog.com
Cell (706)844-4147
Associate Pastor
Rev. Tomeika Johnson
Rev. Tomeika Johnson is a native of Cedartown, Georgia. She was saved at a young age, and begin ministering in her teens. She has served in various capacities in the local church and is a sought after conference speaker. Currently, she directs the CARE Team Ministry at CCOG, which assists the Pastor with "tending the flock". Sister Johnson is the proud mother of two, Isaiah and Hannah Grace.
Cell (706)728-7501
Church Secretary
Dawn Bright
Dawn Bright has faithfully served the Cedartown Church family since 1996. In her many years of dedicated service, she has been a model of consistency and diligence. Her life's loves include her two daughters, and her grandkids.
Email: Office@cedartowncog.com
Ministeries Directory and
Contact Information
Pastor Justin & Nikki Grant
(706) 844-4147
Rev. Tomeika Johnson
(706) 728-7501
Children’s Ministry
Dana Parish - Children's Church
(404) 357-1673
Melody Dowda - Wed. Night
(770) 546-4137
Rev. Josh and Dana Tucker - Jrs (8-12)
(706) 936-5591
Rev. Josh Tucker
(706) 936-5591
Ladies Ministry
Nikki Grant
(770) 560-8106
Maintenance (Building/Property)
Greg Forrister
(678) 988-4949
Dell Mullinax
(770) 324-8481
Madison Wigley
(770) 680-0657
Bree Parish (Social Media)
(678) 951-7184
Men’s Ministry
Jeff Parish
(706) 506-8106
Music Ministry
Pastor Justin Grant
(706) 844-4147
Nursing Home Ministry
Michael Rogers
(770) 318-0202
Wendy Bradshaw
(770) 354-0123
Student Ministry
Jonathon and Bree Parish
(678) 951-4890
Jeff Parish
(706) 506-4532
Bus Ministry
Gary Highfield
(762) 307-1731
Michael Rogers
(770) 318-0202
Young Adult Ministry
Phil and Peggy Myers
(678) 773-9357